
Early Access Roadmap

Are you prepared to explore new horizons and embark on an exciting adventure? Coreborn has a lot in store for you, and we can’t wait to share our plans for the future! In the following video, we’ll take you on a journey through our upcoming features, improvements, and exciting new content. So, buckle up and get ready to dive deep into the Nations of the Ultracore!

Build of Dreams Contest

Greetings, Tormentosia! As we previously mentioned, there is to be a second, final wipe taking place to prepare for the release of Liquid Meadows. We

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Patch Notes: May 16, 2024

Hello, everyone! The global wipe is completed and brings about a few important changes including a highly-requested player feature: personal servers and MORE! Read below

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Settlers’ Dawn

The Settlers’ Dawn update embraces this pulsating, ever-changing life and enhances your town’s life to fortify the bonds of community and defense.

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Hedonists: A briefing

Your Experience Right now, in Coreborn, your first, available race is the Hedonists from Ambros. Maybe you’ve wondered about the Hedonists and what they’re like.

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